Friday, February 27, 2009

It's been a while...hey, I've been busy, promise.

So, it has absolutely been ages since I've blogged.  What I've been up to...

- Super busy at work.  At my job I do something called electronic discovery.  It's very exciting, I work on three computers processing forensic data, so lawyers can "discover" things in electronic data.  

- I've been crocheting a new project

- Doing some photography. 

- Snow in Nashville!

- I've been to NYC and Switzerland. 

Nathan and I in Basel on the Rhine
Scariest baby eating statue/fountain in Bern
Temple in Bern

In Zurich, men playing giant chess, of course...what else?

- AND, I've been dating this amazing guy Nathan

I'll try to be better, now I have some emails and phone calls to return. :)


Nathan said...
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Nathan said...

Just in case I never left a comment on your blog before... ;)

I am sure your readers will be happy to see you haven't disappeared!

megan said...

Holy crap. That baby eating statue is amazing! Ash and I did not see that one, I'm pissed.

meredith said...

MEGARAMA. I miss you! I need an update on your life (a more detailed one). Give me call lady.

Carole Ann & Jon said...

Welcome back to the blogging world!! we missed you.

Dani said...

I love reading your blog!!