Monday, May 17, 2010

Hey ya'll

Been busy. Nate is in his final stretch of grad school and I am here in Mesa with my sister and her family. Sadly, try as I did, Switzerland would not let my student husband have me, his wife there. So, since I can't have a visa to live in Switzerland I am making the best of it and earning some money in the meantime.

My sister and I have started a vintage clothing store on Etsy. She has been wanting to do this for a long time, and since I am only working part time, we'd figure we'd give it a go. We have TONS and TONS of amazing things. My teenage nieces are acting as our models and we're having a blast.

I got a few items posted on our store tonight and we started a blog.

check it out:

and our blog here:


Bonnie-Jean said...

Cute pics! Also, Anne's girls are gorgeous! Sorry that you're not able to be with Nathan right now. :( My Andy leaves Next month for 13 months, so I can relate. Anyway, hugs! :)

Nicole Sue Taylor said...

So cute! and Anne's girls are gorgeous! When is Nathan done with school?

Carole Ann & Jon said...

Well Hello!!!! Fist off, you started a store.. so cool! Second.. where do you find the clothes....( i remember kelly used to get them from like DI and good will....) you too???? LOve your stuff!!!