Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I spotted this...

in the international foods section at Kroger.  
Could they have given this product a less appetizing name?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Red Velvet is SCARY!

Ever since I saw Steel Magnolias I have been wary of red velvet cake.  In the film they make a cake shaped to look like an armadillo and it is made of red velvet cake.  So, it looks like the bloody insides of the animal...sick!

So, now I really can't ever bring myself to eat the stuff.  What flavor is red velvet anyway?  Is it just red dye?  I don't get it. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

tag, you're it!

So, Erin tagged me to post seven random facts about myself.  I feel inspired today to post seven random facts about myself in relation to the cooling weather.  

1)  I prefer mittens over gloves...any winters day.
2)  I don't really love the winter.  It lasts too long, I think it should end after Christmas.  
4)  I am wearing socks to work this week for the first time this season. 
5)  The first time I lived in the snow (that I remember - lived in WA til I was 2) was in Provo, UT, attending BYU.  I was so freaked out that on the first day it snowed I wore 2 pairs of pants and two jackets.  I was so hot...in the literal sense of the word...obviously.  
6)  My favorite holidays happen during the Fall and Winter...Thanksgiving and Christmas.  They are wonderful because I love spending my time thinking about and being with the people I love.  
okay, so number seven is completely random
7)  Somewhere out there is a picture of me wearing depends and a t-shirt...that's it.