So, my life changes from day to day. I was in Switzerland for the Holidays with Nathan and it was soooo nice. Now I am back in Mesa with Anne and fam until Nathan graduates in May. Yes, May! I am sooo excited. Finally, we will be able to live together permanently and not just for 3 month stints at a time (due to Swiss immigration law). Nathan is already beginning the process of looking for a job. It is kind of exciting. He is really excited to be done with school, he's been in some kind of college or internship for the last 10 years and he is really ready to be done with it all and just work doing what he loves...architecture. We have no idea where we'll be living by the end of this year. We are kind of hoping Nathan gets a job in Switzerland. It's a nice place to live and there are some great architecture offices. Plus the earning potential here is at least double what is in the US. So, Switzerland is our #1 choice. Then there are some offices in Paris or London that he is looking at as well and then maybe even stateside in New York, Boston or Seattle. It's pretty certain we'll be living in some big city somewhere.
In the meantime, I am hanging out with my sister Anne and her family, failing at finding temporary employment and having a lot of fun. Anne and I started a new blog called Wearing Walmart. We decided that we wanted to share with the world the hilarity of Walmart fashion and other odds and ends. Now, not everything at Walmart is all that bad, but sometimes it is really bad and funny. So, if you want to see some really embarrasing pictures of Anne and I, check it out. We've also been maintaing our vintage clothing store on Etsy called Fashion Redemption. My teenage nieces are the models and they do a fantastic job.
Anyway, here is a sweet little pic of Anne and I from our new website. Enjoy!